Wednesday, December 11, 2013


As I pondered our review for your midterm, I decided to delete the question about exile and have replaced it with question 2 below.  I think this actual (past exam) question gives you more to discuss in your essay.

You may use your book for your exam.  Come in prepared with outlines/quotes marked for the following two essay questions.  Only one essay question will be on the exam.  You will turn in your outline and notes for the other prompt:

1.  The chi or personal spirit is a recurring theme in the novel, TFA, a spiritual belief important to understanding the main character Okonkwo.  Review the discussion of the chi in the novel.  Interpret this proverb, spoken of Okonkwo:  "When a man says yes his chi says yes also."  Trace further references in the novel to the chi.  What role does Okonkwo's chi play in shaping his destiny?  Note, however, that "the Ibo people did not believe that a man's chi controlled his entire destiny."

Prompt:  In a well written essay, identify the "role of the chi" in Okonkwo's destiny.  Your essay should answer the question~ Does Okonkwo decide his own fate, or is he a victim of fate?

2.   Many works of literature deal with political or social issues. Choose a novel or play that focuses on a political or social issue. In Things Fall Apart, the social issue is colonization or imperialism.  For this question, consider deeply the last paragraph of the novel.  This question speaks to Achebe's purpose in writing the novel~to dispel the paternalistic view of the African people.  Then write an essay in which you analyze how the author uses literary elements to explore this issue and explain how the issue contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot.

Short Answer Questions:  You may still use embedded quotations marked in your novel.

1.  Compare the missionary style of Mr. Smith and Reverend Smith.  Argue for the more effective style of winning people to Christ.  This does not have to be a full essay.  Write either two or three paragraphs defending your position.

2.  Compare the Anglo Saxon Hero Beowulf with the Tragic Hero Okonkwo. (two solid paragraphs)

Definition of a Tragic Hero:  Such heroes are mixed characters, neither thoroughly good or thoroughly evil, yet "better" or "greater" than the rest of us are in the sense that they are higher than ordinary moral worth and social significance.  The plot of tragedy traces the tragic fall of the hero, when a disastrous change of fortune, or reversal, catapults him from the heights of happiness to the depths of misery.  This fall usually comes as a consequence of a tragic flaw in the hero's character and/or an error of judgment, although the fall may also be a product of the hero's pre-ordained destiny or fate."   

Matching:  Details of the epic Beowulf.  You will have seen these questions before the exam on reading quizzes and classroom discussion.  Think:  numbers, kennings, names.

For Monday, December 16

Write a 50 minutes timed essay for homework.

Hints for essay writing.

  1. Annotate the prompt carefully.  I will grade your annotations.  (Make sure you are actually answering the prompt.)
  2. Start with your thesis; leave room for coming back to an introduction later.
  3. Jot down a rough outline-thesis plus topic sentences
  4. Remember:  It is your job to show how an author accomplishes his purposes.  This means your thesis must speak to the author's purpose.  You are writing about THE WRITING.
  5. Stay organized with topic sentences that refer to your thesis
  6. Do not forget the quotation sandwich format=use embedded quotations
  7. Write in your own voice; do not use big words for the sake of using big words
  8. If you find yourself running out of time, jump to your conclusion.
  9. It would be better to use your hard copy of the poem and annotate directly on the page, but here is a copy, just in case.

1. (Suggested time—40 minutes)

In the following soliloquy from Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Part II, King Henry laments
his inability to sleep. In a well-organized essay, briefly summarize the King’s thoughtsand analyze how the diction, imagery, and syntax help to convey his state of mind. (I THINK WRITING ABOUT HOW THE DICTION LEADS TO TONE IS A GOOD OPTION; PERSONIFICATION WOULD WORK; APOSTROPHE MEANS I AM ADDRESSING AN ABSTRACT CONCEPT=SLEEP; CONTRASTING IMAGERY)

How many thousand of my poorest subjects

Are at this hour asleep! O sleep! O gentle sleep!

Nature’s soft nurse, how have I frighted thee,

That thou no more wilt weigh my eyelids down,

And steep my senses in forgetfulness?

Why rather, sleep, liest thou in smoky cribs,1

Upon uneasy pallets stretching thee,

And hush’d with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber,

Than in the perfum’d chambers of the great,

Under the canopies of costly state,

And lull’d with sound of sweetest melody?

O thou dull god, why liest thou with the vile

In loathsome beds, and leav’st the kingly couch

A watch-case or a common ’larum-bell? (alarm bell)

Wilt thou upon the high and giddy mast

Seal up the ship-boy’s eyes, and rock his brains

In cradle of the rude imperious surge,

And in the visitation of the winds,

Who take the ruffian billows by the top,

Curling their monstrous heads and hanging them

With deaf’ning clamour in the slippery clouds,

That with the hurly death itself awakes?

Canst thou, O partial2 sleep, give thy repose

To the wet sea-boy in an hour so rude,

And in the calmest and most stillest night,

With all appliances and means to boot,

Deny it to a King? Then, happy low, lie down!

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.
1 huts

2 not impartial



Friday, December 6, 2013

For Tuesday, December 10

Beowulf-most brave of Geats
You need a copy of Raffel's translation of Beowulf.  If you can find an online edition, that is great.  Otherwise, you may have to buy the hard copy book or electronic version.  The translator is extremely important.

Finish:  Things Fall Apart 

Continue annotating as per your bookmark.

Missionary Styles
Okonkwo as a tragic hero (look up the definition of a tragic hero if you do not know it)

Review the details from Beowulf that we talked about in class today.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

For Friday, December 6

No homework. 

Remember, you must be finished with the novel Things Fall Apart by Tuesday, December 10.  Pace yourself.

Monday, December 2, 2013

For Wednesday, December 4

Read Things Fall Apart through Chapter 15.  Expect a quiz on Wednesday.  Book II:  Focus on Exile and Missionary Styles,

We will try to finish up Beowulf this week. 

Great job in class today~

Saturday, November 23, 2013

For Monday, December 2

Read the novel Things Fall Apart through Chapter 13; you should complete Book 1.  Annotate according to your bookmark.

You guys bless my socks off.  I am so proud of your performances; we will definitely have to take more acting challenges this year!  I had a wonderful, beautiful time with you this week at the Crighton.

Mrs. Fox

Enjoy your holiday!  HAPPY READING!

Friday, November 15, 2013

For Tuesday, November 19

Today, we read up through Chapter 18 in Beowulf.  Thanks for letting me read to you today; I love to read Beowulf out loud!   We will continue on Tuesday.

Mrs. Fox's AP 11
Pick up a copy of Beowulf, translation by Burton Raffell.  The translation is extremely important, so be careful with your purchase.  

You will also need to get a copy of Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe.  You will read this novel independently as we study Beowulf and Antigone as a class.  I will help you with a reading schedule and Study Guide.  I will get these things to you on Tuesday and get you started in the novel.  No worries if you do not have this novel on Tuesday, just know you will need it soon.

Write a 1 1/2 page letter home to your parents from Hrothgar's Court.  Pretend and get creative.  Our class has taken a trip to see the Danes and Geats gathered at Hrothgar's Court.  You decide whether Beowulf has killed Grendel yet or not.

We probably landed there in our 20th century clothing, so we will need to find garments to wear in order to "fit in."  What might have happened so far on our field trip?  What adventures have you and your classmates been on?  How long do you plan to stay?  Did you happen to fall in love while you were there?

Please do not answer each of those questions literally; I am just trying to get you thinking.  Use a kenning or two.  Write with some alliteration.  Include all your classmates.

Thank you for working so hard on your C.S. Lewis essays.  I am proud of you!

Monday, November 11, 2013

For Wednesday, November 13

Write a one page response in which you make connections between "Revelation" by Flannery O'Connor and Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis.

Work on your literary analysis for Till We Have Faces.  You will be able to use Wednesday as a workshop for this essay.  Bring your laptops or ipads so you can work in class.  I will be available for questions and individual help.



Friday, November 8, 2013

For Monday, November 11

You can be working on your C.S. Lewis essay.  Due Date:  November 15.

If you did not get a chance to meet with me regarding your outline, please email me, and we can work together that way.

I had a few handwritten outlines on my desk when I went home sick on Friday.  If we need to meet up at the school on Saturday to go over these, I can.

I would love to be in dance rehearsal Saturday, but too many students could not make it.  Let's plan on meeting next Saturday from 10:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Scott.  Your paper was going in a good direction.
Sierra.  Same for you.

I cannot remember the others.

You guys are doing great!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

For Thursday, November 7

Work on your TWHF outline.

I want to see your thesis, your topic sentences in order, quotes from TWHF if you have them; if not, simply paraphrase the scene (where it fits in your outline), and ideas from other novels, journals, sources (where they fit in your outline).

Relaxed, but I NEED TO SEE A PLAN.

Friday, November 1, 2013

For Tuesday, November 5

  1. Finish our novel.
  2. Prepare an artistic rendering (anything you choose) or (prepare a model of the finished product) that will accompany and compliment your analytical essay over C.S. Lewis's Till We Have Faces.
For this weekend, I do not want you to do any writing.  I just want you working with your hands to create a visual model of your essay topic.  As you create, allow the process to quicken your awareness of the nuances of your subject's function within the novel.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your work.  This is more than a project for an AP Literature class.  Allow the novel to affect your life and thinking about God. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

For Friday, November 1

I have no idea why I chose this image for today.  Do you?  What could it mean?
Finish reading Chapter 21 of Book I in TWHF and also read Chapter 1 of Book II.  I decided against the quote annotations, so do not worry that you have a written assignment for tonight. 

For Friday, please come in ready to discuss your reading homework, and then read and annotate the rest of the novel.  Book II is where it's at!  It is RICH with meaning, allusion, spiritual depth, and on and on....  That is why I want to read it together. 

Over the weekend, you will be preparing an artistic component for your upcoming Lewis paper. We will discuss this in detail on Friday.  Look forward to your next 5 days; You will be blessed!

Monday, October 28, 2013

For Wednesday, October 30

Read Chapters 18, 19, and 20 of Till We Have Faces.  We will finish up Book I together on Wednesday.

Look at the images on this post.  They should guide your annotations.  Mark each reference to Orual burying herself behind the queen.  Which image do you think best represents these chapters?  Why?  (write me 3 to 4 sentences)

On Wednesday, remember that I would love for my scary dolls to interrupt my English 10 class.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Post 2 for Monday, October 28

Rather than finalize your essay, write a detailed outline, and we will complete the essay in class.  For a detailed outline, I will expect:

Thesis Statement
Topic Sentence #1
      Page #'s where you will find examples to support your argument.
Topic Sentence #2
      Page #'s where you will find examples to support your argument.

and so on....

Writing out a brief conclusion will show me that you understand Lewis's purpose in illlustrating these two types of love.

Don't forget to read Chapters 16 and 17.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

For Monday, October 28

Write a well thought-out essay over Lewis's characterization of perverted love and agape love, manipulative love vs. giving love, selfishness vs. selflessness, Orual vs. Psyche.

Essay should be between 500 and 750 words.  Primarily use chapters 13, 14, 15 although 10 and 11 have some awesome quotes as well.  Use quotes that best support the assertion made in your thesis.  Remember to embed your quotes in your own sentences rather than quoting long passages or even full sentences. 

Read Chapters 16 and 17. 

A few thesis sentences we came up with in class:

In the novel Till We Have Faces, C.S. Lewis juxtaposes _______________________ :

To encourage readers to recognize the effects of perverted love and aspire to selfless love.

Divine love and selfish love cannot co-exist in an individual.

To demonstrate a positive divine love cannot come from a degrading manipulative love.

Corrupt selfish love and pure divine love through the characters of Orual and Psyche.

To demonstrate the importance of choosing divine love over fleshly love.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

For Thursday, October 24


Read Chapters 13, 14, and 15.  Make sure you are annotating the differences between distorted love and spiritual love.  manipulation vs. giving; selfishness vs. selflessness.

You will be writing an essay for next Monday discussing Lewis's presentation of these two ideas.  In your
mind, ask yourself...why is Lewis showing us these two pictures.  What is his purpose?  We will work together on Thursday developing quality thesis sentences for this essay.

Obviously, you will use his characterizations of Orual and Psyche for this essay, but The Fox and Bardia could come into your argument. 

Continue to highlight allusions to classical mythology and places where Orual sees the truth if only for a moment. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

For Tuesday, October 22

Read Chapters 10, 11, and 12.  Annotate according to our discussion in class and by following the instructions below.  You do not have to come to class with anything written.  Just interact with the author through your annotations. 


Chapter 10:  Focus on Psyche's joy...belief in the supernatural; Orual's misery/bitterness toward Psyche.  Think about the statement:  "Don't you think the things people are most ashamed of are the things they can't help" (111)?  Think of the ironic conversation Orual and Psyche have in the 5 sided room.  How is this scene similar?  This continues into Chapter 11.

Chapter 11:

Chapter 12:  Does Orual see the castle?  Find quotes to support your argument.  My pages 132 and 133.  Starting Line:  "First there was the hardness and slope of the ground."  Ending line:  "I was staring simply into fog, and my eyes smarting with it."   

Monday, October 14, 2013

For Friday, October 18

Psyche's Dream
I did not listen to your memory verses today.

1 Corinthians 13:12
2 Corinthians 3:18

You will write those out for me on Friday.

Read Till We Have Faces through Chapter 9 for Friday.  We will have an in-depth discussion, and I will be looking for your knowledge of the text.

Remember to make your notes comparing stoic philosophy to imagination (spiritual longing), specifically look at The Fox and Psyche for these quotes.

Keep highlighting allusions, especially to the Bible or Greek Mythology.

Keep marking as per your bookmark.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

For Monday, October 14

I had so much fun with you today!  Great bus ride skits!

Read Chapters 1 & 2 in Till We Have Faces.  Take note of each character.  Mark each mention of beauty/ugly/veils.  

Remember as you read that we are hearing this story from whose perspective?  When is she writing this document?  What is the purpose of this document?

Here is a link to the text of the novel.  I still want you to purchase your own copy, but this will help anyone who does not have a copy right now.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

For Thursday, October 3

Complete the tasks on your brochure.

Define allusions.
Write page numbers for quotes chosen for each main character on your brochure.


Choose one of the ghosts from The Great Divorce that most represents one of your personal struggles.  I probably could pick any one....too worried about appearance, too possessive of my boys, too materialistic...and on and on...

Write me a 350 word essay or editorial~four paragraphs:
1 or 2 paragraphs:
Compare yourself to this ghost (use specific examples from novel and from life~I am not looking for all out confession just general struggles.)
1 paragraph
Next, discuss your struggle to choose joy.  When do you choose misery?
1 paragraph
A narrative or descriptive paragraph about an aspect of nature that brings you joy, draw parallels between this organic thing and you!  (Do not choose more than one thing~so today, I would choose to write about a daisy.  Consider Whitman's description of the blade of grass.)

Monday, October 7, 2013

For Tuesday, October 8


Finish the novel.

Journal Entries are due tomorrow.  Do not forget to begin your journal entries with a quote from the novel.

Your brochure with the allusions defined and with page numbers directing me to the quotes you have chosen for each ghost will be due on October 10. 

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY-OPTIONAL: ~ This opportunity will only appear on this post.

A mock facebook page for C.S. Lewis
Prepare on paper or poster board.  (I may have a blank facebook page for you.)
Must include:
Short biography-Works Cited required
Major Works (5)
Five friends (start with the Inklings)
Favorite quote from Lewis
Favorite song - you will select this and then explain why you believe it to be Lewis' favorite.
Review the short story "Man Born Blind" (summary~do not spoil the end-recommendation)

This is an optional major grade.  Due Date:  Monday, October 14.

Monday, September 30, 2013

For Tuesday, October 8

Finish the novel The Great Divorce.  Your journal entries will be due on Tuesday, October 8.

College Essays are due October 2.  You may email me your papers or put them in my box in the office BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR CAMP.
Have a great time at camp.  I will miss you.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

For Monday, September 30

You can begin working on your college essay revisions.  I know I need to return a few of your papers; I will try to get them to you before you leave campus tomorrow.  The essays are due on October 2; drop by or email me before you leave for camp.

Read TGD chapters 9-11 before Monday.  Annotate by using your brochure.  Pace yourself and take your time; read for understanding.  If you have some extra time, catch up on your journal entries.

I had a great time sharing in your barbaric YAWP today!

You are making great connections between works of literature; I see your knowledge and thinking skills
 growing day by day.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

For Thursday, September 26

Final Draft of Kafka essay due Thursday, September 26.


Checklist Kafka Analysis

Is my title a creative expression of the ideas discussed within my paper?

Does my introduction catch the attention of my reader without being too broad?  Is each statement a funnel leading to the discussion of my paper?

Thesis:   Does my thesis include the author's name, include the title of the work, express what the author does, and assert the author's purpose?

Body Paragraphs:
1.    Does each paragraph have a quality topic sentence?
2.    Does each paragraph have several (3 or more) specific pieces of evidence that are adequately interpreted?
3.    Does each paragraph have embedded quotations that provide context, evidence, and interpretation?
4.    Is there a summary sentence/transition sentence at the end of each paragraph?
5.    Do I have internal documentation to show my use of sources? (must cite paraphrases as well as word for word quotes)

1.    A summary-Do not repeat your thesis.
2.    A thematic statement that calls your reader to action and/or calls your reader to change his/her mind about something.

Action verbs-use the verbs on my board (I have a resource page that will help you reduce your number of "to be" verbs.  Come see me to get your copy!)
Variety of syntax
Correct punctuation
Works Cited Page
The sources I used within my paper cited through internal documentation.


Friday, September 20, 2013

For Tuesday, September 24

Read TGD Chapters 7 and 8.  Annotate carefully.

You can work on journal entries OR on your final draft of Kafka essay.

If you need help on your essay, please contact me by email.

I am so pleased with your progress. Thank you for engaging in every class activity with enthusiasm.  You make teaching a joy!  Have an awesome weekend!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

For Friday, September 20

Read The Great Divorce through Chapter 6. Study Guide questions are provided here for you. Make sure you can mentally answer the questions before you come to class on Friday. 

Chapter Four (The Big Ghost)
1.                  Describe the approach of the Solid People.  Why does the earth shake at their coming?
2.                  Why does the Big Man not think it’s fair that the Solid Man has been sent to Heaven and he has not?  Who is Jack?
3.                  What reasons does the Big Ghost give for deserving to be sent to Heaven?  What does the Big Man say are his rights?
4.                  The Solid Man answers that, no, he will not get his right, but what instead?
5.                  The Big Ghost says he is not asking for anybody’s “bleeding charity.”  What is the Solid Man’s answer?
6.                  The Solid Man tells the Big Ghost that he has been sent to him to ask his forgiveness.  For what?
7.                  What does the Solid Man reveal about all of the men who worked under the Big Ghost?
8.                  What is the Big Ghost’s final response?  Why is this significant?
Chapter 5 (The Episcopal Ghost)
1.   The E.G. says that happiness is found in what?
2.   Does the ghost believe in a literal Heaven or Hell?  Why are his views ironic in light of where he has been and where he is now?
3.  What are his views on the resurrection?  On the death of Christ?
4.  The ghost tells Dick that if he stays in Heaven, he wants a promise of a sphere of influence and a place that can use his talents as well as a free spirit of inquiry.  Dick tells him that he is bringing him not to the place of questions but of what?
5.  When Dick inquires, “Do you believe that He exists?” what is the ghost’s answer?
6.  The ghost finally tells Dick that he has to get to the grey town to do what?  What is so ironic about this statement?
7.  On what topic did the Episcopal ghost “preach his famous sermon?”
Chapter 6 (Golden Apples)-Apples…again?
1.  What is the via dolorosa of the man gathering apples?  Is this something he has put upon himself?
2.  Why does the man have such a hard time picking up apples?
3.  Of what does the voice remind the narrator?
4.  What does the voice mean when it suggest that the man “stay here and learn to eat such apples?”  How would it be possible for the “very leaves” of that land to “teach” him how to eat such apples?

Monday, September 16, 2013

For Wednesday, September 18

Read The Great Divorce through Chapter 3.

Continue to notice the juxtaposition in the settings of heaven and hell.

Write your first journal entry:  letter to Lewis regarding your thoughts on Chapter 1.  Use your brochure to find the prompts for writing a dialectical journal.  You do not have to do something for each point, but let it flow.  The points are a guide.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

For Monday, September 16

Complete your rough draft for the Kafka essay.  Remember this is a rough draft.  I am not looking for absolute perfection as to "craft" and "style."  At this point, you may still have some "to be" verbs.  Your transitions might be a little shakey, but I want a complete paper to peruse so we can be assured that you have plenty of time for polishing and finding your voice.  The last stage in the writing process is the most exciting as we find the perfect words, images, and syntax to communicate our ideas. It's like placing the final piece in a 5000 piece puzzle, or putting our signature at the bottom of an artistic masterpiece, or ...

Use MLA innter-textual documentation
Include a Works Cited
Make sure to present your arguments in a logical manner
Remember:  quotation sandwiches are your friends:)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

For Thursday, September 12

Write a rough outline or create a graphic organizer for your literary analysis over The Metamorphosis.

I will need to see a working thesis (working because I may help you polish it).

I will need to see a graphic organizer or outline which details each of the points/arguments you will be making.

I will need to see that you have gathered evidence for each point (quotes with page numbers).

I will need to see how you are including any secondary sources (short stories, biography, historical facts).

This all needs to be in writing.  Do the research for evidence now, so you can work on CRAFTING your paper over the weekend.
If only it were this easy:)

Biographical information may come in the introduction, or it could work throughout your paper.
The same is true of historical parallels.
If you are utilizing a short story, that should be worked into the various sections of your paper.

If you find yourself stumped with no place to go, send me a quick text or email.

It might be best to do this prep work on your computer, that way you can copy/paste quotes, etc. into your paper when the time comes.  This saves a step.

HOWEVER, if writing by hand helps you think, that is great too.

Friday, September 6, 2013

For Tuesday, September 10

College Essay.



Wednesday, September 4, 2013

For Friday, September 6

Create your personal metamorphosis sonnet.  DUE DATE:  FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6

14 lines
Rhyme Scheme:  abab, cdcd, efef, gg
A metamorphosis
First 8 lines=problem/1st phase; Last 6 lines=resolution/2nd phase
A shift/turn (we will always use the term "shift")

A change from one rhyme group to another signifiesa change in subject matter. This change occurs at the beginning of L9 in the Italian sonnet and is called the volta,or "turn"; the turn is an essential element of the sonnet form, perhaps the essential element.

Shakespeare does not always follow the rules...surprise right?  Sometimes, his "volta" or "shift" comes with the rhyming couplet.  We will look at some examples of this on Friday.


Start your "story" in the middle; only action verbs; be creative; be original!  Use Hayden's essay as a guide.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Second Notice for Wednesday, September 4


Read over the Table of Contents.  Make sure you remember the key details of each chapter.

If you feel you are a little shaky on any one of the chapters, go back and review.  Read your annotations; read the bold print, read paragraph 1 and 2 and probably the last 2 paragraphs.  If you STILL feel a little shaky, reread the whole chapter.

Bring in a college essay prompt...prompt only.  Prompts on previous post.

Take your bug quiz.  Write a paragraph...does the bug description fit you?


Thursday, August 29, 2013

For Wednesday, September 4

Play catch up on your reading!  Review Chapters 1-12 in HtRLLaP.

Look for a college essay prompt that you would like to answer. JUST BRING IN THE PROMPT...NOTHING ELSE.  If you do not have one for a current application, here are a few suggestions.

Here are the new essay prompts for the common application:
  • Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
  • Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn?
  • Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?
  • Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you?
  • Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.

Take the quiz on this website. What kind of bug are you? Write me a short paragraph. How are you like this bug OR Why do you completely disagree with the results of your survey.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

For Thursday, August 29

Read How to Read Literature Like a Professor chapters 11 and 12. Make sure to pay attention to key concepts. You might REVIEW the bold sentences in chapters 1-10. For extra points on your reading quiz, bring in a written response to this question: Why does Winston wake up with the name Shakespeare on his lips? (Section 1; chapter 3) (Kindle search for the word Shakespeare; it's the first reference.)

Prepare for a 40 minute timed writing essay:

You can choose one of the three prompts at the bottom of your AP Practice Free Response handout.

Orwell once wrote that "in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.".....

One theme common of the dystopian novel is that government's intentions are not benevolent,"...

Humanistic philosopher Erich Fromm wrote that 1984....

After our poetry bootcamp, we will begin the novel The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. Following that, we will read Till We Have Faces by the same author. You may want to go ahead and purchase these two novels. We will begin The Great Divorce the second week of September.

Friday, August 23, 2013

For Tuesday, August 27

Take a look at free response prompts number 4,5, and 6 before next Thursday.  Select one that you will write about for a practice timed essay.

Continue reading How to Read Literature Like a Professor. You must finish the first ten chapters by August 27. Make sure you know the concepts presented in the book. Annotate in your margins or highlight important details.

Also, continue reading The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. I would like this novel finished by Tuesday, August 27.Come prepared to build a bug.  Follow the instructions on your bookmark.

Why does Gregor turn into a vermin anyway?
Is this a good or a bad transformation?
Is Gregor a victim or a perpetrator?
Would Gregor (as a human) be Beowulf? Knight in Shining Armor? A Romantic? or the Modern Man?