Wednesday, October 30, 2013

For Friday, November 1

I have no idea why I chose this image for today.  Do you?  What could it mean?
Finish reading Chapter 21 of Book I in TWHF and also read Chapter 1 of Book II.  I decided against the quote annotations, so do not worry that you have a written assignment for tonight. 

For Friday, please come in ready to discuss your reading homework, and then read and annotate the rest of the novel.  Book II is where it's at!  It is RICH with meaning, allusion, spiritual depth, and on and on....  That is why I want to read it together. 

Over the weekend, you will be preparing an artistic component for your upcoming Lewis paper. We will discuss this in detail on Friday.  Look forward to your next 5 days; You will be blessed!

Monday, October 28, 2013

For Wednesday, October 30

Read Chapters 18, 19, and 20 of Till We Have Faces.  We will finish up Book I together on Wednesday.

Look at the images on this post.  They should guide your annotations.  Mark each reference to Orual burying herself behind the queen.  Which image do you think best represents these chapters?  Why?  (write me 3 to 4 sentences)

On Wednesday, remember that I would love for my scary dolls to interrupt my English 10 class.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Post 2 for Monday, October 28

Rather than finalize your essay, write a detailed outline, and we will complete the essay in class.  For a detailed outline, I will expect:

Thesis Statement
Topic Sentence #1
      Page #'s where you will find examples to support your argument.
Topic Sentence #2
      Page #'s where you will find examples to support your argument.

and so on....

Writing out a brief conclusion will show me that you understand Lewis's purpose in illlustrating these two types of love.

Don't forget to read Chapters 16 and 17.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

For Monday, October 28

Write a well thought-out essay over Lewis's characterization of perverted love and agape love, manipulative love vs. giving love, selfishness vs. selflessness, Orual vs. Psyche.

Essay should be between 500 and 750 words.  Primarily use chapters 13, 14, 15 although 10 and 11 have some awesome quotes as well.  Use quotes that best support the assertion made in your thesis.  Remember to embed your quotes in your own sentences rather than quoting long passages or even full sentences. 

Read Chapters 16 and 17. 

A few thesis sentences we came up with in class:

In the novel Till We Have Faces, C.S. Lewis juxtaposes _______________________ :

To encourage readers to recognize the effects of perverted love and aspire to selfless love.

Divine love and selfish love cannot co-exist in an individual.

To demonstrate a positive divine love cannot come from a degrading manipulative love.

Corrupt selfish love and pure divine love through the characters of Orual and Psyche.

To demonstrate the importance of choosing divine love over fleshly love.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

For Thursday, October 24


Read Chapters 13, 14, and 15.  Make sure you are annotating the differences between distorted love and spiritual love.  manipulation vs. giving; selfishness vs. selflessness.

You will be writing an essay for next Monday discussing Lewis's presentation of these two ideas.  In your
mind, ask yourself...why is Lewis showing us these two pictures.  What is his purpose?  We will work together on Thursday developing quality thesis sentences for this essay.

Obviously, you will use his characterizations of Orual and Psyche for this essay, but The Fox and Bardia could come into your argument. 

Continue to highlight allusions to classical mythology and places where Orual sees the truth if only for a moment. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

For Tuesday, October 22

Read Chapters 10, 11, and 12.  Annotate according to our discussion in class and by following the instructions below.  You do not have to come to class with anything written.  Just interact with the author through your annotations. 


Chapter 10:  Focus on Psyche's joy...belief in the supernatural; Orual's misery/bitterness toward Psyche.  Think about the statement:  "Don't you think the things people are most ashamed of are the things they can't help" (111)?  Think of the ironic conversation Orual and Psyche have in the 5 sided room.  How is this scene similar?  This continues into Chapter 11.

Chapter 11:

Chapter 12:  Does Orual see the castle?  Find quotes to support your argument.  My pages 132 and 133.  Starting Line:  "First there was the hardness and slope of the ground."  Ending line:  "I was staring simply into fog, and my eyes smarting with it."   

Monday, October 14, 2013

For Friday, October 18

Psyche's Dream
I did not listen to your memory verses today.

1 Corinthians 13:12
2 Corinthians 3:18

You will write those out for me on Friday.

Read Till We Have Faces through Chapter 9 for Friday.  We will have an in-depth discussion, and I will be looking for your knowledge of the text.

Remember to make your notes comparing stoic philosophy to imagination (spiritual longing), specifically look at The Fox and Psyche for these quotes.

Keep highlighting allusions, especially to the Bible or Greek Mythology.

Keep marking as per your bookmark.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

For Monday, October 14

I had so much fun with you today!  Great bus ride skits!

Read Chapters 1 & 2 in Till We Have Faces.  Take note of each character.  Mark each mention of beauty/ugly/veils.  

Remember as you read that we are hearing this story from whose perspective?  When is she writing this document?  What is the purpose of this document?

Here is a link to the text of the novel.  I still want you to purchase your own copy, but this will help anyone who does not have a copy right now.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

For Thursday, October 3

Complete the tasks on your brochure.

Define allusions.
Write page numbers for quotes chosen for each main character on your brochure.


Choose one of the ghosts from The Great Divorce that most represents one of your personal struggles.  I probably could pick any one....too worried about appearance, too possessive of my boys, too materialistic...and on and on...

Write me a 350 word essay or editorial~four paragraphs:
1 or 2 paragraphs:
Compare yourself to this ghost (use specific examples from novel and from life~I am not looking for all out confession just general struggles.)
1 paragraph
Next, discuss your struggle to choose joy.  When do you choose misery?
1 paragraph
A narrative or descriptive paragraph about an aspect of nature that brings you joy, draw parallels between this organic thing and you!  (Do not choose more than one thing~so today, I would choose to write about a daisy.  Consider Whitman's description of the blade of grass.)

Monday, October 7, 2013

For Tuesday, October 8


Finish the novel.

Journal Entries are due tomorrow.  Do not forget to begin your journal entries with a quote from the novel.

Your brochure with the allusions defined and with page numbers directing me to the quotes you have chosen for each ghost will be due on October 10. 

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY-OPTIONAL: ~ This opportunity will only appear on this post.

A mock facebook page for C.S. Lewis
Prepare on paper or poster board.  (I may have a blank facebook page for you.)
Must include:
Short biography-Works Cited required
Major Works (5)
Five friends (start with the Inklings)
Favorite quote from Lewis
Favorite song - you will select this and then explain why you believe it to be Lewis' favorite.
Review the short story "Man Born Blind" (summary~do not spoil the end-recommendation)

This is an optional major grade.  Due Date:  Monday, October 14.