Saturday, November 23, 2013

For Monday, December 2

Read the novel Things Fall Apart through Chapter 13; you should complete Book 1.  Annotate according to your bookmark.

You guys bless my socks off.  I am so proud of your performances; we will definitely have to take more acting challenges this year!  I had a wonderful, beautiful time with you this week at the Crighton.

Mrs. Fox

Enjoy your holiday!  HAPPY READING!

Friday, November 15, 2013

For Tuesday, November 19

Today, we read up through Chapter 18 in Beowulf.  Thanks for letting me read to you today; I love to read Beowulf out loud!   We will continue on Tuesday.

Mrs. Fox's AP 11
Pick up a copy of Beowulf, translation by Burton Raffell.  The translation is extremely important, so be careful with your purchase.  

You will also need to get a copy of Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe.  You will read this novel independently as we study Beowulf and Antigone as a class.  I will help you with a reading schedule and Study Guide.  I will get these things to you on Tuesday and get you started in the novel.  No worries if you do not have this novel on Tuesday, just know you will need it soon.

Write a 1 1/2 page letter home to your parents from Hrothgar's Court.  Pretend and get creative.  Our class has taken a trip to see the Danes and Geats gathered at Hrothgar's Court.  You decide whether Beowulf has killed Grendel yet or not.

We probably landed there in our 20th century clothing, so we will need to find garments to wear in order to "fit in."  What might have happened so far on our field trip?  What adventures have you and your classmates been on?  How long do you plan to stay?  Did you happen to fall in love while you were there?

Please do not answer each of those questions literally; I am just trying to get you thinking.  Use a kenning or two.  Write with some alliteration.  Include all your classmates.

Thank you for working so hard on your C.S. Lewis essays.  I am proud of you!

Monday, November 11, 2013

For Wednesday, November 13

Write a one page response in which you make connections between "Revelation" by Flannery O'Connor and Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis.

Work on your literary analysis for Till We Have Faces.  You will be able to use Wednesday as a workshop for this essay.  Bring your laptops or ipads so you can work in class.  I will be available for questions and individual help.



Friday, November 8, 2013

For Monday, November 11

You can be working on your C.S. Lewis essay.  Due Date:  November 15.

If you did not get a chance to meet with me regarding your outline, please email me, and we can work together that way.

I had a few handwritten outlines on my desk when I went home sick on Friday.  If we need to meet up at the school on Saturday to go over these, I can.

I would love to be in dance rehearsal Saturday, but too many students could not make it.  Let's plan on meeting next Saturday from 10:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Scott.  Your paper was going in a good direction.
Sierra.  Same for you.

I cannot remember the others.

You guys are doing great!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

For Thursday, November 7

Work on your TWHF outline.

I want to see your thesis, your topic sentences in order, quotes from TWHF if you have them; if not, simply paraphrase the scene (where it fits in your outline), and ideas from other novels, journals, sources (where they fit in your outline).

Relaxed, but I NEED TO SEE A PLAN.

Friday, November 1, 2013

For Tuesday, November 5

  1. Finish our novel.
  2. Prepare an artistic rendering (anything you choose) or (prepare a model of the finished product) that will accompany and compliment your analytical essay over C.S. Lewis's Till We Have Faces.
For this weekend, I do not want you to do any writing.  I just want you working with your hands to create a visual model of your essay topic.  As you create, allow the process to quicken your awareness of the nuances of your subject's function within the novel.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your work.  This is more than a project for an AP Literature class.  Allow the novel to affect your life and thinking about God.